Monday, October 17, 2011

I Complain a Lot

I am aware that I complain a lot about random stuff, but really, the Best Buy on Fordham Road in the Bronx, New York is absolutely ridiculous.

Why is it ridiculous, you ask? Well first of all there's the computer service or whatever. My computer got a virus at one time and deleted all my programs. I took it in and they asked me like 500 questions and they said they'd have it fixed in 4-7 days and they'd call me. 9 days later without a call I went in and asked about it. They said it had been done for a while. But we turned it on and it didn't work. It turns out that the lady that asked me a bunch of questions ended up writing down the wrong information and the work that they did on my computer only lasted about 5 minutes. So they had to fix it again...

But what bothers me about that Best Buy most of all is its disorganization.  Now I am aware that it's in the Bronx and a bad neighborhood, but that's no excuse to have Lil Wayne cds in the ROCK/POP section right next to The Beatles. The organization of CDs follows no genre restrictions, logic, or any rules of conduct that any 7-year-old could do themselves. CDs are overturned, mixed into the wrong section, or by the DVDs. It's just a mess and it hurts my eyes and brain to look at, to be perfectly honest.

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