Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ranking the Presidents

This is a list, in my opinion after some research, of all the presidents from best to worst. I only wrote an explanation for one because I think that ranking requires some explanation.

1.      Abraham Lincoln
2.      George Washington
3.      Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4.      Ronald Reagan
5.      Theodore Roosevelt
6.      Thomas Jefferson
7.      James Monroe
8.      James K. Polk
9.      Andrew Jackson (most people would probably have him lower because of what he did to the Native Americans. I do think that was horrible but it’s also true that cultural understanding back then wasn’t what it is now. And it did affect my ranking of him, because he’d be number 4 if it weren’t for that with the way he fought corruption. To this day, no president has been as popular or as big a champion for the middle/working class.)
10.  Woodrow Wilson
11.  James Madison
12.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
13.  John F. Kennedy
14.  Bill Clinton
15.  Harry S Truman
16.  Howard Taft
17.  Calvin Coolidge
18.  William McKinley
19.  Benjamin Harrison
20.  John Adams
21.  Chester A. Arthur
22.  Warren G. Harding
23.  Grover Cleveland
24.  George H.W. Bush
25.  Ulysses S. Grant
26.  Gerald Ford
27.  Martin Van Buren
28.  Richard Nixon
29.  John Quincy Adams
30.  Lyndon B. Johnson
31.  Andrew Johnson
32.  Rutherford B. Hayes
33.  Millard Fillmore
34.  Herbert Hoover
35.  Jimmy Carter
36.  John Tyler
37.  Franklin Pierce
38.  James Buchanan

Cannot (Yet) be Ranked:
·         George W. Bush (I suspect he'll be towards the bottom of the middle)
·         James Garfield
·         William Henry Harrison
·         Barack Obama (I have no idea bout his ranking yet. His first 4 years saw a struggling economy but I do think Obamacare has a chance to be hugely successful)
·         Zachary Taylor

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